Steadfast and Steel – Armour For Today’s Revolving Worksites

Steadfast and Steel – Armour For Today’s Revolving Worksites

February 28, 2020

The Okanagan Valley is rich with resources, and home to a thriving industrial landscape due to our moderate climate and options for large-scale transportation. From our vibrant ...

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Simple Tips For Your Next Home Reno

Simple Tips For Your Next Home Reno

January 28, 2020

There are many reasons why you may need to clear your belongings from a room or multiple rooms of your home temporarily. Home renovations, re-flooring, stagi...

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A Look Back at 2019

A Look Back at 2019

December 30, 2019

Some of the most magical and festive things about the Christmas Season is coming together with family and friends, sharing moments of reflection, and giving thanks for the passi...

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Why You Need A Container At Your Jobsite

Why You Need A Container At Your Jobsite

November 29, 2019

Protecting your tools, equipment and supplies is critical on any construction site. Shipping containers...

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Life-Size Lego

Life-Size Lego

October 28, 2019

In the age of upcycling, people are getting creative with ways to keep things out of the trash and put them to good use.  Upcycling transforms useless or unwanted mate...

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Sustainability in Business

Sustainability in Business

September 26, 2019

Over the past ten years sustainability has emerged as a buzz word which is often associated with environmentalism and green initiatives; however, the term is actually ...

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Move Easier

Move Easier

August 27, 2019

Moving, undoubtedly causes a high degree of emotional and physical stress...

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Big Benefits of Small Living

Big Benefits of Small Living

July 25, 2019

Tiny Homes are redefining what makes a house a home. People are opting out of the average 2,200 square foot home for homes ranging between 100 and 400 square feet. According to ...

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Farms Are Growing Up

Farms Are Growing Up

June 26, 2019

Due to increasing populations in high-density areas, climate change, lack of nutrient dense soil and access to land, traditional farming has become an increasingly risky and com...

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