
Sales Centres & Offices

Mining & Energy

Events & Tradeshows

Film & Studio

Food & Drink


Urban Applications

Farming & Agriculture



Waste Management


Mini Storage

First Nations

Washroom Units

Charity & Volunteering

Restoration & Disaster Relief


Specialty Containers

Creative Applications

Water Treatment

Electrical Houses & Power Hubs

Create Space

Create Space

Ready to create some space with a Secure-Rite mobile storage container?
You can now rent storage online from the comfort of your own home - it can stay with you onsite, we can pick it up for storage at one of our yards, or we can deliver it to your new home or business for whatever length of time you need.

Rent With Us!

Your Idea Fits Here

Your Idea Fits Here

Whether it's a relocatable work space you have in mind, an in-law suite, or a food truck, we can make modify a container to suit your needs. We would love to work with you to create the storage container of your dreams.

Get a Quote